Kitty - 6 year old Boston, Coco - 4 year old Pug

AKA - Kit Kat, Kitty Monster, Scaredy Kitty, Kitty Girl, Kitty Boo, Missy Moo Moo, Lean and Mean. Co Pouf, Curious Coco, Black Velvet, Stinky Butt, Little Missy , Crazy Co, Chunker Pug, Co-Mo-Jo.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just another night in front of the boob tube..

We love to watch us some Criminal Minds. OH yeah Hodge! You can arrest us anytime.


Smushie Ranch said...

BOL! Momma and daddy like that show too!

Snorts and farts,
Stella, Gunther and Betty

Those Elgin Pugs said...

HAHAHAHA!! Someone has a crush on Hodge!!
He is really cutes!! We do bad things too!!!

Josie and Izzy

Mia said...

We like that show at out house too!! The momma likes Hodge, but she aunt Manda are more Morgan fans!!!!! =)

