Kitty - 6 year old Boston, Coco - 4 year old Pug

AKA - Kit Kat, Kitty Monster, Scaredy Kitty, Kitty Girl, Kitty Boo, Missy Moo Moo, Lean and Mean. Co Pouf, Curious Coco, Black Velvet, Stinky Butt, Little Missy , Crazy Co, Chunker Pug, Co-Mo-Jo.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sharing Sucks..

This is what I think of your stupid party hat! Gurrrgh..

Mom says I have to learn to share. This after I gave Coco a beatdown for taking my new ball. Cue squinty eye. She also says that I had the look of hate in my eyes when I had to wear a party hat for my birthday yesterday. Judge for yourself.


BRUTUS said...

Parties mean treats & pressies, so I've learned to just grin and bear the pointy hat! My birthday is next month, so we'll see if I can practice what I preach!!

Brutus the Frenchie

Adventures of two Indianapolis Girls said...

Beatdown? Taking balls? Sounds like a great PAWty to me!

Hank said...

Ha ha ha ha!!!

Now, kitty......sorry, honey but now that yer a big girl that's just part o' life. Sucks, I know.

Those Elgin Pugs said...

You two are a riot!! My gosh!! Kitty!! You are a little DiVa with that stink eye and Coco going to town on her hat!!
Boy you two are giving your pawrents whats for!!
Hee hees...
we's do the same!!
Keeps 'dem on 'dere toes (they will thank us laters)
Oh's and next times..... psst.... come closer... try pooping in 'da hats- SNORTS!!

Izzy and Josie your SunFlower Sista's

Salinger The Pug said...



Kelly said...

I HATE clothes/hats/accessories of any kind! I can totally relate, Kitty!

You DID kinda have the look of hate, though.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh dear...sharing is not #1 in Lily's book either. You guys look awfully cute in those hats
Benny & Lily