You know what they say. You do the time, you have to pay the price. Well we kept "making stains", as Joe Stains would say, in the kitchen. Don't know why, but I just really favor pee pees on the tile floor. Mom kept saying "the kitchen, REALLY????". The woman has locked us out! She had Dad make this gate with his own two hands and now we can't go in there and knock the dish towel down to roll on it, or snark up anything that is inadvertently dropped while cooking. Boo on you mom.
Sunday Ussie
1 day ago
Humans get crazy banding us from having fun...go figure...
Benny & Lily
oooooh great, now my mom is looking into having my dad make one... thanks a lot guys!!!!
We have gates too!!!
Oh no...we could never live like that, we have to do something fast. You say it rolls right....hmmm maybe you needs to give a push to rolls it out of the way. Good luck girls!!
Seuqoia and Tuni
Oh, the injustice! That is a pretty nifty construction your dad made, too bad they couldb't put it to better use! I totally understand, as my house is a maze of gates - there are at least 5 to keep me & Mason in "safe" territory!
Brutus the (traveling) Frenchie
I say its not fair at all.
My moms have me blocked from going upstairs alone. I don't get it.
Kitty and Coco!! Your faces in 'da last photo is too funnies!!!
Mommy and Daddy have gates set ups here too!!
Whatever!! We's well behaved!! Never do A thing wrong!! Just soooo Innocents!!
Izzy the Sweetness,
Josie the Good Girl
Anakin Man the Well behaved Boy
Hi Kitty and Coco!
That is one crafty gate! I can't let daisy
see this post because she will start to get
pug paranoid, but I love the design of
your gate!
Your faces are too funny.
Maybe your humans will make it up to
you with some delicious snacks.
Daisy and I hope you have a great week!
-Dana & Daisy
Hey Kitty & Coco! Moms got the cornondacob chewy for me at PetSmart! It's a Nylabone and dey haves ribs and some udder yummy bbq foodchews too. BUT Mom says I hafta tell ya that dese nylabones aren't great for bigtime chewers. (I heards ya, Mom!) I hardly haves any teefs and so I don't do much damage to 'em, but Natty has HUGE chompers and she haves to be supervised with 'em, or she'll take little chunks off. UM helloooo Natty, it just looks like food, it isn't REALLY food. (Duh, little sisters.) Hopes your Mom gets you some anyways!
Your buddy,
Dudes (Dudettes?) guys are lucky that it was just JAIL! If I even THOUGHT about peeing on the floor (especially the KITCHEN) Mom would haul my puggy ass to the meat packing plant faster than you can say "Eckrich"!
Work on that piddle problem and you'll have free reign again in no time!!!
Good luck!
Oddly enough, Coco (she is an evil mastermind) has learned how to roll the gate back and get in. Guess she has recognized finally that the Kitchen is a NO PEE PEE ZONE! because she hasn't taken a leak in there since the gate has gone up. Great intimidation factor apparently.
Sal, mom is a Clean Freak! I mean over the top, so it has been deep cleaned and sanitized to the max after we got into tons of trouble. Yikes she was mad.
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