Hey Mr. Red, let's find someone to throw the ball for us..

Sup Zeus? This guy is quite the ham. He will pick up anything he can find and run around trying to taunt everyone else to play. He started out with pine cones, and finally found the Frisbee. He looks like me too..maybe we are cousins.

Coco chats with the scruffy guy. Coco: Did you SEE that big dog over here in the little pup section? He was at least 50 lbs..

HMPF! Brodie came over and stole my friend. They better not be telling secrets about me.

Time to hydrate! My black furs sure do heat up fast.

Coco drinking out of our super cool new bowl.

A good time was had by all, friends.
Kitty and Coco - Two tired pups
what fun!! Ithink I see our cousin
Benny & Lily
Good times, good friends!
Your pal, Pip
WE are patiently waiting for the weather to improve so we can go to the Doggie Park!
Ohhh it makes me wanna take C&L to the park today.. If only it wasn't so windy!!
Hey guys!
Looks like a great day to me!
Anakin Man
Looks like you had fun :)
Maddy and Owen
Tee hee hee!!! Kitty has such a funny face! :D
oh my goodness those are 2 of the happiest faces ever.
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