Kitty - 6 year old Boston, Coco - 4 year old Pug

AKA - Kit Kat, Kitty Monster, Scaredy Kitty, Kitty Girl, Kitty Boo, Missy Moo Moo, Lean and Mean. Co Pouf, Curious Coco, Black Velvet, Stinky Butt, Little Missy , Crazy Co, Chunker Pug, Co-Mo-Jo.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ceramic Poo!!

We have added a few sculptures to our art collection. Eat your heart out MOMA.
Daisy had a contest to win poo. Of course we entered. I am pretty sure Coco prayed us into a victory. She was sorely disappointed when she realized she couldn't eat it. Kitty: What the H? EWWWWWWW. Coco: Oh snap. My lucky day. Mom doesn't usually hold poo for me to eat, but whatever,
I do believe I'll have me a piece.

Evil eye to you, non-edible ceramic poo.
Thanks Daisy and Dana! We had so much fun with our prize. You really deserve a bag of cheetos for your excellent taste in art.


Mack said...

Poo totally rocks!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

'dats some cool poops!!

Hey, tell 'dat Momma of yours to show off some of her paints on your bloggy!!

We wanna see some!! Did your Momma paint 'dat first one??

If so.. wow!!

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

3 doxies said...

What do ya mean it ain't reals? Well dat just bites...hehehe! But dat is da coolest pile of poop I has evers seen.

Thanks fur coming by my bloggie and introducing yourselves. I likes meeting new furiends.
