Mom here: I think I should get some type of award for getting all four dogs to look at the camera at the same time. Seriously. Kitty looks like she is in pain, but still. More on Kitty and Coco's cousins tomorrow. This is the girls' grandpawrents Nana and Pops (Sir spoils-a-lot).

Coco not looking..She and Kitty are playing paper, paw, scissors to see who can pee on the green carpet and get away with it. Honestly, can you blame them? It is green colored carpet after all.

And Kitty not looking. You are really not helping the family pic here.

Hey girls, want a drumstick? I thought Kitty was the one with bug eyes, but I was wrong.

Did you say DRUMSTICKS? Practically 14k gold by dog standards. Thanks to our grandpawrents for these little gems.