Got an early Christmas present!! Nom nom nom.. Steak Nylabone.
Mom ordered us some pawsome gifts from the Alabama Boston Terrier Rescue site.
Nyla-wishbone! Back away from the wishbone Coco. offense, but you smell rotten Kitty.
Hey Mom, play with me!!!!!!!! I'll even give you my smiley face.
(Action shot-Coco is master of the surprise attack)
Karate Chop!
You said I smell rotten? You gotta be kidding me. A skunk gagged the other day after you walked by!
Anyhoo, hope you get some quality play time with your peeps this week. We will have a grand time fighting over our two new toys.
Sunday Ussie
1 day ago
Hi Kitty and Coco!
Your early Christmas gifts look like fun!
I am still in the process of finding all of
Daisy's Christmas gifts. We can't wait to see
what else you receive for the Holidays!
-Dana & Daisy
A steak nylabone? Hold on! I'm packing up my pink coat and heading to your house!
WHOA! That steak nylabone looks like a blast!!!
Take a couple of noms for me!
That steak nylabone looks like the real deal,, so nice and juicy and yummmmy...
oh my gosh,,, your faces are too darn cute.
We brought home a few new chew toys the other day and Clyde was so happy he walked around and cried with it in his mouth while wagging his tail... LOL
That karate chop move is impressive. Wouldn't want to have to go up against anything like that. Nice score on the noms.
Those nylabones look delicious!! We didn't know they made a steak nylabone - gonna have to talk to mom about that.
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hehe I love the picture of Kitty smiling.
You all are soooo funny. I want a steak nylabone now. I'm going to throw a fit until I get one.
And Lincoln wants to tell Coco he thinks she's pretty cute.
Minnie Moo
My mom is totally loving your smiley face Kitty! (Me too!)
And what great karate moves you have CoCo!
Kitty and Coco; we want to thank you for coming by to visit our blog, we love to make new pals. I am so loving your name being Kitty and a you being a Boston, just to cool! Love your early Christmas treats, going to have to find that steak nylabone for my pug quad.
Whoa......that looks GOOOOOD, girls!
'dose pressies look Nom Nom Nom for sure!!
We's still sitting under 'da tree wanting for some goods to be delivered heres.. hee hees
Love the Ninja Coco!! Hey Kitty - have you considered that maybe she uses her stank as a defense to distract you & steal your bone??
Brutus & Carmen
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