I'm in BIG trouble....

See the resemblance between the pink on my paw and the pink paint?

I was just sniffing around in mom's painting room, and got a little curious.

Then I sort of walked directly on a wet canvas. Oops.
I got scared and ran out of the carpeted room, down the dark wood hall and onto the white couch. Pretty sure this puts me on Santa's naughty list this year.
Coco you crazy lil pugger. We hope you find a way to make it up to your mom before Santa comes around.
I'm not going to lie, Coco! It looks pretty bad in Santa's eyes right now! Hopefully you can redeem yourself before Christmas!
Coco...we're SO sorry that your mom is trying to squelch your creative attempts! That is AWFUL...she should be MUCH more appreciative of your artwork!!!!
She'll come around!
We would like to see your art work, Coco! Santa won't be skipping you this year, I've done a lot worse and he still came!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
That'll teach her for having a white couch.Coco, I am sure Santa will think it was just a cute as I do. No fears.
Uh Oh Coco!!! I think you were just trying to help, right?
By the way You're mom's ring is gorgeous! (sorry, I'm a little focused on rings lately..)
Uh-OH!!! Somepuggies in trouble! (Put your paws sure do look clean!)
Sounds like major trouble. Hehe but I love your face expression. Us, pugs have the bestest ones :) Good luck getting out of trouble. Use lots of orbing action and kisses. Trust me, I have been there.
Minnie Moo
It's obvious that being an artist runs in your family! I am SOOO impressed!
When will you open an Etsy shop?! Maybe I could join up with you and sell my poop art? We could be RICH!!!!!!!
I love Coco's face in the first picture.. How could you stay mad at her for long ?
Sounds like you were just trying to express your creative side to me! There's a fine line between artistic and naughty BOL!
Brutus the Frenchie
Hi Kitty and Coco!
I had a similar incident happen when I
had Penny. She got paint all over. Even on
her face hehe. Thank goodness the paint
washes off. Well, most of the time.
We hope you are having a great week!
-Dana & Daisy
Oh, look at the remorse in that face... How can Santa not bring you a present? If he doesn't, I will just for being so cute! :D
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