Saw Eclipse and loved it! The Volturi scenes were good and creepy. Scenery was nice too (hello Jacob). Our only gripes were that A) our crush Jasper didn't have a proper background. Really people! What happened to the Southern coven wars?, B) the practice fight scenes were a bit lack luster, and C) that engagement ring was butt ugly.
*Brutus, take note that you might want to go a different direction with Stella's ring.
Team Jasper!! He's soooo dreamy with his southern accent.
Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Coco)
*Brutus, take note that you might want to go a different direction with Stella's ring.
Team Jasper!! He's soooo dreamy with his southern accent.
Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Coco)
and Jasper's hair was awful!!!! But it's okay we are still Team Jasper too!!! My mommmy blogged about it on her blog, I told her to keep it off of mine! =)
Hmm. I think I'm still going to get my garlic string just in case. Oh, and I already got stella a HUGE Harry Muttson rock, you'll have to look back a month or two in her posts to see it (I think she must be having it sized...)
Brutus (& Carmen) the Frenchie(s)
Our mom is such a dork she hasn't even seen the FIRST Twilight!! But it's on her Blockbuster Que if that means anything.
You two do a great Vampug & Boston Bat impression. I'm kinda scared right now actually...
"The Claw"!!!
Hi Kitty and Coco!
We haven't seen Eclipse yet, but it sounds
good! We hope you are having a great week!
-Dana & Daisy
We're a little scured over here you guys. Enough with the vampire stuff! BOL!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
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