From left: Lulu, Coco, Izzy (and her "water"), Pearl and Bellatrix in the canoe.
OH MY DOG, this is the bestest camp out ever. Hey Izzy, girl you sure know how to have a good time, but you are looking a little tipsy. Pearl, quit laughing at Izzy. What Bella? No thanks, me and Lulu will be fine right here on shore. You go ahead.
Wait a minute...Do you see what I see? We might have some party crashers ladies..

(Stella, Kitty and Bridgitte getting salon treatments). Girl Talk! You boys quit listening!

From Left: Wilma (bundled up), Josie (in her monkey bed), Kitty and Coco.
Time for ghost stories..See, there was this lady who would sneak into houses at night and give you baths!!! Oh the horror. One brave Pug played possum one night and clamped on to her ankle. She struggled to get away but left a trail of shampoo behind her. To this day, the Pug Bath Lady was never caught and could be lurking around at this very minute..
Wilma! Girl, you and Josie are already falling asleep. Me and Coco are headed to the disco to see DJ Salisbury Steak Butts!!

So much fun ladies. Peace out!