Mom and Dad had an announcement for us.
So when do we pick this pup up Mom? I could use another snuggle buddy. Especially since Kitty yells at me when I step on her under the covers.
Mom: Well Coco, it is not exactly a pup, it is a baby. You know, a two-legger. And it won't have fur.
Coco: You mean it is in there????
Kitty: Yes Coco, and I, as your big sister, will explain it all later. Geese, these younguns.
Sunday Ussie
1 day ago
Wow, congratulations to all of you - that is very exciting news. We are very happy for you and we send best wishes to the Mom-to-be for an easy pregnancy and a happy and healthy baby.
Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom
Holy macaroni!! Congratulations!! It must be at the shelter cause we don't see it
Benny & Lily
How exciting!! Congratulations
Bailey, Hazel & Greta
That is so exciting! Congrats!
Congrrats to your whole family! Baby humans are so much fun! They smell grreat and they drop little bits of food for you to eat.
Wonderful, just wonderful !!
Congrats, mama and papa ! Now, Coco and Kitty,,,, you need to behave, lol ~
urban hounds
Congrats on the hooman puppy!
woof - Tucker
Congratulations! The two of you are going to be the best big sisters ever .....
Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney
Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!! You two are going to love having a little human brother or sister!
Your pal, Pip
Congratulations!! You two will be the best big sisters ever!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Brutus & Ellie
Congrats on the baby! Nice to meet you two!
Hi Kitty and Coco! A BIG , HUGE Congratulations to your Mom and Dad!! I'm very excited for you all to have a two-legger! Its a people puppy in your mommas belly!
You all looks so very happy!!!
Your Mom looks so very pretty in that lacy top, looking good Momma!
Awwww you two of you are going to be the best big sisters in the world EVER!!!
Love and Snuggles from your furiend Frank xxxxxx
When Mom first saw this post she let out the biggest "Awwwwwwwww how cute". We thought "yeah our girls our cute." But then we kept reading and we understood why Mom made such a comment. Well Congrats girls! You two are going to be great big sisters to your little two legger sibling! We wish you all the best!
Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley
that's wonderful news! certainly hope the little bun loves dogs....
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