Mom here. Know what I hear as I'm getting ready early this morning? That would be a dog fight. Now don't get excited, no one got hurt, but it was a clash of the titans to be sure. What a way to start the day. Good grief.
From the bathroom, I hear........
Coco: Urf, rahr, grr...Pawing Kitty, deep under the covers saying "Sister you are such a bed hog, let me in and snuggle with your brindle butt".
Kitty: (angry warning barks) RARR, Rarrh, Grrrr..rrrrrrrrrrrrr, saying "Dang it, I'm sleeping and you are about to get it! Go away".
Coco proceeds to Level 2: Jumping on top of Kitty repeatedly like a spaz to draw her out.
Kitty: RARRRRRRHHHH, RUFF, RUFF, GRRRRRRRRRRR (major ugly face), saying "That is it!! I'm opening a can of Whoop A on you. You better run and hide behind Momma you little smush face."
Next thing I hear is a tumble of bodies on the bed. WWE Smackdown style. In Kitty's defense, Coco had pushed her too far. We all know Kitty isn't a morning dog. In Coco's defense, Kitty shouldn't be such a bed hog grouch. Coco ended up retreating to the dog bed on the couch.
Kitty=1, Coco=0
Who out there is a morning dog or not?? Just curious.