This here is my furiend Sophie. Her mom and my mom have been pals since Kindergarten. Sophie and I have recently become good pug pals.

Sophie is a fun loving gal. She has the cutest smiley face you will ever see, and loooooooves to roll over on her back for a nice tummy rub and scritchin'.

Though you would never know it, Sophie has had some major health problems in her four years. She had a liver shunt, and had to have MAJOR surgery plus lots and lots of treatments. Her mom spent two weeks in a hotel in another city for the surgery far away to give her the best medical care possible, and that is not counting the many doctor's appointments. She pulled through and has been doing well. Happy and playing her heart out, despite a very strict diet and medication regimen. You can even read about it here:
livershunt.net (under Sophie on the left side bar).
A week and a half ago her mom discovered a lump on her underbelly. A few trips and a round of antibiotics later she has been diagnosed with lymphoma. Why friends??? Doesn't seem fair. Her mum is pregnant and is very stressed and very sad that this is happening to her miracle pug. The fact is that the stress of her pug baby being sick is starting to affect her two-legger baby as well. I wish there was something, anything we could do for her.
Just wanted to share this in hopes that you will send up some serious prayers for this family, and maybe even some cash to help cover Sophie's medical costs. We don't ask fur much on here, and normally we keep it very light-hearted, but this time we need some help from our friends.