See, I might have inadvertently (yeah right), sort of, maybe, possibly snatched a fallen packet of Ranch seasoning as Mom was cleaning out the kitchen cabinets...

Oh who am I kidding? I TOOK IT!! And I enjoyed taking it.


Excellent flavor. The bag ain't bad either.

Kitty, did you eat some?.....NOOOOOO MAM I did not! I won't even look at it.

I'm not shy, I'll take a few more nibbles right in front of you.

So tasty.

Mom says this is evidence for later.

Yeah, that is a piece of it hanging out of my mouth.

This is MY Ranch packet and you cannot have it. Nope.
Note from Mom: While I did take away the Ranch right after I found her (after pics of course), but alas, the Big D showed up shortly after. It seems Ranch is good for clearing out your intestines if you are in need. Thanks Coco for that little jewel of info.
Oh, you are sooo naughty! But we are sorry about the Big D visiting. You just look so cute with your packet, he he he.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Coco, I'm so sorry about the Big D and know your mom is too, but I think she'll look back on these pictures and decide it was totally worth it (as I know you've already concluded!). You and Kitty have THE most expressive faces I've ever seen...they make my cute meter go over the top every time!
Not the big D! I know the pilfered treat was well worth it.
LOL...BIG D!!!! It took mom a second to figure out that "BIG D" is the same as "Hershey Squirts"!
Sorry....but YOU brought it up!!!!
Hope you feel better Coco....next time have mom dump some out of the bottle for you!
Feel better!
Oooh, Coco, sometimes tasty things are not so worths it when they end up in the Big D. We hope you're feeling better soon!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Great job! We are going to try and steal that stuff
Benny & Lily
Although we bet it was tasty going down, Coco, too bad about the Big D - hope you are feeling better now.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Once again Coco, you are full of life lessons! I will stay away from the Ranch packet (unless it has been mixed up and served over french fries and/or pizza). Thanks!
oh my goodness!
ranch dressing is yummy isn't it?
cute photos!
i hope everyone's tummys are feeling all better today!
a & m
the big D hahahahaahhaha
K&C...regarding Royan Canin....our vet recommended the Gastrointestinal Low Fact variety for Minnie. So it must be good if recommended by our great vet...
and it is made for dogs with pancreatitis.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Coco, you're so busted! But looks like that ranch packet was yummy!
Coco you are too funny!!!!
PS Sequoia would totally steal it too.
ah Coco you totally rock it... Im very proud of you, stealing that Ranch thing! but you should hide it better next time...
I love it, you catch some amazing photos of those two sillies!
bwahahaha! What a little stinker! The pics capture her attitude perfectly! Hilarious! :p
I feel your pain, Coco. It's hard to stay out of the dog house but just flash your cute puppy dogs eyes at our mom and she will melt. Works every time!
oh, excellent. we are so in need of a sure thing for provoking the big ol' bowel cleanse. a day does not go by when we don't think about the value of a good bowel washout.
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