See, I might have inadvertently (yeah right), sort of, maybe, possibly snatched a fallen packet of Ranch seasoning as Mom was cleaning out the kitchen cabinets...

Oh who am I kidding? I TOOK IT!! And I enjoyed taking it.


Excellent flavor. The bag ain't bad either.

Kitty, did you eat some?.....NOOOOOO MAM I did not! I won't even look at it.

I'm not shy, I'll take a few more nibbles right in front of you.

So tasty.

Mom says this is evidence for later.

Yeah, that is a piece of it hanging out of my mouth.

This is MY Ranch packet and you cannot have it. Nope.
Note from Mom: While I did take away the Ranch right after I found her (after pics of course), but alas, the Big D showed up shortly after. It seems Ranch is good for clearing out your intestines if you are in need. Thanks Coco for that little jewel of info.