Kitty+Coco (taste-testers for hire)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Mamma Mia I want Spaghetti!
Kitty+Coco (taste-testers for hire)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Bitey Face Action with Bosco..My Bestie
Coco: Say Uncle!!
Mom: Coco, you are full of it. There was some major bitey-face going on there. You are lucky Bosco loves you and doesn't take offense to getting his butt whipped by a girl.
Note to audience: These two are hilarious together. They absolutely LOVE each other and Bosco is the only other dog that she will play with like that. Bosco could easily whip her but he is a gentleman and keeps coming back for more. Bless his heart, my parents tell me he looks for them for days after we leave. He is the best rescue pup cousin ever!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Bunk's St. Patrick's Day Contest

To enter the contest, you MUST post the following on your BLOG OR FACEBOOK.
1. Picture(s) of you wearing your BEST St.Patrick’s Day attire (BE CREATIVE!)
Furry brothers and sisters can enter as a group!
2. In less than 5 sentences telling me WHY St.Patrick’s Day is a great holiday for YOU.
Well, aside from having to dress up in ridonkulus costuming, we love St. Patrick's day beclaws Mom let's us eat a boat load of Lucky Charms cereal. You know, as bribes for the pics.
3. Putting up a link to this contest page on your blog so that everyone knows you are participating!
Thanks Bunk for letting us pawticipate!!
4. Once you are done, comment at the bottom of this post letting me know that you are participating so I know to count you in!
Done. We want to win.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Presents from our Boyfriends!
***Yawn****Thank you boys for our stuffs. We played and played and played some more. You are the bestest boyfriends ever!
Pug Sugars and Boston Butt scritchies,
Kitty and Coco