Laugh it up all of you bloggers out there...The Party Hat of Shame will find you too.

(Sniff sniff). I'm a picky Kitty, but this smells pretty good. Whole wheat/peanut butter/honey cake with cream cheese icing and Carob pup cookies. They look and smell just like oreos!

Good golly at the family pics..Mom says smile and act like you are happy if you want your presents!

Uh Oh. If you think that is icing on Coco's upper lip you would be wrong. That is bug froth! Gross. She was crunching on some dead cicadas and got busted.

I'm TIRED of taking pics. Literally. Can't keep my eyes open. That is my cousin Bosco there at the party with us.

Coco and Daddy. Yellow is her color.

Cousin Bosco and his Mom (my Grandmom). He is handsome and single, ladies.

Dig in! We started out with individual pieces of cake nicely on plates.

But then we all converged on the main event.

Mmmmm. I need a napkin.

Dang these tongues. If only we could lick DOWN. Don't let our boyfriends see us wif cake on our mouths! Sooo embarrassing.
We will post our gifts separately. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes guys! Anakin, your song had me shaking my booty.