Hurry up slow poke! Get a move on.

Hello ladies. Which way to the pawty?

Sup Herbie? Nice to meet you. I'm excited about the parade.

You know..I have a friend that will be in the parade named Skillet. You seem pretty relaxed so I will just tell you when to look.

Smile! This event is so much fun. It is ALL about dogs and their owners. They gots booths setup with doggy gear and such, plus bands playing all day and of course the parade.

We set up our blanket in a shaded area and enjoyed the day.

Boy oh boy did we enjoy chatting with the other pups.

This guy was sooo nice. Love his ears because they are kind of crazy like Kitty's.

Now...we did have a guy get a little fresh. First off, he had on a frilly pink collar. Not a good sign. Notice the way he was ogling my booty.

I turned the other cheek as the Bible says.

"Listen here buddy. I have a good man and you need to go on back to where you came from. GRRRRR!!!".

Yeah, that's right. Hit the road jack. Can you believe this guy tried to maul me and then ride Coco? The nerve. My man Oakley will not be happy about this.

Mom thought I looked beyootiful in my outfit that my GrandNanna got me. I like any outfit that doesn't involve a hat.
More pics for tomorrow..