Follow us. We are at Aldridge Gardens and ready for a good time. There better be someone giving out treats here...

Look! A pug right at the gate. This is a good sign.

What up girlfriend?

Nice to meet you. Can you believe that Minnie's mom asked if I was a pug mix? She said I was too lean and tall for a pugger. HMPF! I mean, do you see my curly tail?

Kitty thought this sign was hilarious!!

As a matter of fact, we did really like this big mutt named Pacino. He was 80 lbs of awesomeness. I begged mom to take him home but she wouldn't let me.

The family pic by the giant hydrant.

Guess who was there at the event...Harry, Lulu and Heather! Boy oh boy was it hard to get everyone looking at the camera.

Bahaha. Yappy Hour. It seems that my butt was extra popular.

Coco is totally hiding behind me.

Make yourself at home!

Didn't I tell you my butt was popular? Or maybe poopular.. Anyway, this HUGE Mastiff was a nice guy too.

Hope you enjoyed the million pics we shared. We are still recovering. Can you say doggy hangover?