Scored some awesome treats! We love this rescue organization.

Family Pic time.

Lulu smelled out the treat bag, and then all of the sharks went in for the kill.

Lulu taking a bite. Excuse me, I gotta concentrate here.

Coco: OMD, look at that bird! Kitty: I am so over this. Lulu: I don't see the dang bird.

Boy oh Boy were there some cute fosters there. Pleeeeaaaasssseee can we take one (or five) home?

Heather exhibiting Lulu's muddy belly. She decided to take an impromptu swim in the lake.

Some friends we met.

Wished we would have had this one in Twinkie's butt contest. Don't be staring, boys!

A pug princess in the costume contest.
A fun time was had by all! Part two tomorrow...Stay tuned.