Woo hoo! We got an award from our new furiends over at ChicasLibelulas. They sound like they could throw a heck of a fiesta.
1.- Thank the puppy, kitty or person who gave you the award.
Thank you so much! We want you girls (and brother Oso since he is kinda cute) at our next pawty. This is our very first award.
2.- Share 7 things about yourself.

I have big ol' buggy eyes (not to state the obvious), and I am lean and mean. Ok well, I am only mean when Coco is biting my ankles or trying to take my toy. I am VERY prissy and get embarrassed over any little thing. I am also a big baby but this big baby gets sympathy treats from the momma. I have even charmed my way into being crate free! Told mom I have an allergy..he he.
In summation: Buggy eyes, Lean and mean, Grouchy-puss, Prissy pot, Baby Kitty, Momma's girl, Kitty Angel mind freak

Ohhh, hello all. Innocent little puggy wrinkly face. Did I just try to chew the throw pillow? Oh never. Do I dig every morning through the laundry while mom is in the shower? Nope. Have I indulged in a little poo from time to time (for protein only I promise)? Yes. I'll admit that one. Mischief is my middle name but being cute is my game. I keep up the energy in the house and am a velcro-pug.
In summation: Innocent (i.e.guilty), Garbage disposal, Laundry pre-treater, Poo test-taster, Ankle biter, Velvet mug, Velcro Pug
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and you think are fantastic
Forgive us if we repeat, but we love you guys.
1. Multum in Parvo..With a Cinnabon Tail (Salinger the Pug)
2. The Smush Faces (Gunther, Betty, Stella and Newman)
3. Two Pugs in a Pod (Natty and Klaus)
4. Mack's Mess (Mack)
5. Beefy Pug (Daisy)
6. The Girls (Tuni and Sequoia)
7. The World According to Pearl (Pearly-Poo)
8. I'll Tell Ya What (Hank and Molly O'Mally)
9. The Slimmer Pugs (Gracie, Lily, Mimi, George and Toby)
10. ChocolatePeanut.com (Betty, Miles, Cali and Cookie)
11. Two Pitties in the City (Ms. M my big me and Mr. B)
12. The Daily Puglet (Pug and brother Dutch)
13. Harry Pugalicious (Harry and Lulu)
14. Bunta The Frenchie Kyoto Journal (Bunta)
15. Joe Stains (Joe and Tanner)
Love all of you guys!