You think it doesn't take style to rock a Snuggie? Let me tell you, it does.

Whoops! Mom forgot to list 7 things about us you may not know..Sorry. Here goes:
Kitty really can't see in the dark. Guess the whole eyes on the side of your head thing doesn't work out so well. If the lights are turned out and she is on the couch, the parentals have to pick her up and carry her to the bed.
Coco is Mrs. Sunshine until the swiffer comes out. The vaccum doesn't phase her, but the swiffer stikes fear into her little puggy heart. It fell on her once, so that explains it.
Kitty is like a sleek gazelle. Coco is more like a tank/sausage tube.
Kitty tries to swallow things whole. Coco has to sniff it first, roll it around in her mouth and take little nibbles.
Kitty doesn't spill a drop of water when she is getting a drink. When Coco is done, it looks as if we have been to see Shamu at Sea World.
Coco has just learned how to bark and is Ms. Grufflestumps until daddy gets home.
Kitty is a momma's girl and tries to crawl up into my hair if a stranger approaches. You have to give her time to get to know you.
Coco is a circular poo-er. She goes a little, circles around so she can smell it while finishing her business. More than you wanted to know I'm sure.
One more just for fun: At our house there is an ever present contest on who can pee on poo. The first one to pee on the other's poo or fresh pee is the winner.
We know many of you have gotten this award, so we are only going to name five who we really dig. You guys know how to rock a blog.
1. The Girls (Tuni and Sequoia)
2. A Minnie Minute (Minnie and Lincoln)
3. Salinger (Oy vey, His blog title is too long to type)
4. Too Cute Pugs( Pearl and Daisy)
5. Southern Fried Pugs (Petunia, Isabelle and Tallulah)
We also want to honor a great style icon who recently went over the rainbow bridge, Emmitt. You wore a sweater like no other.