Listen, small fry, you look like my sis and all, but I ain't sharing my treats.
Hello there young gun..what are you, like, two weeks old?
Funny enough, he was all over me instead of Kitty. Guess my girly pug charm was turned up on high or something.
We met these two Bosties at Pugfest in Atlanta. Kitty was a ninny baby as usual and hid behind Mom.
Golly bum she was cute. Now Mom is all gaga over getting a white-faced Boston. She was tiny too..about 11 lbs fully grown.
Oh Crap...there go the treats!!!!!!!!!!!! Dang you ridiculously cute Bostons! I hate sharing.
We totally had fun though. If any of you pups live in or around the Atlanta, Georgia area you should really go next year. Hosted by SEPRA.
Kitty and Coco (the not jealous at all Pug)
Nature Friday Fun Foiled
9 hours ago
How cute is this? I love that pink skirt! Looks like a lot of fun!
Bummer that the treats got dispensed so fairly. Although I can see why your mom went gaga over those Bostons, both were so cute!
Bostons are cute! Two of mama's friends got Boston, one is out of control and the other one is sweet. It's all about how they are trained/raised. Our humans are totally suckers when it comes to smushy face : >
Have a wonderful day.
Boston's are a 2nd place to pugggies! Hope you got at least one treat.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Mom loves Bostons and says she will have one someday. The white face is so cute. But yeah, that fair sharing treats way. It's just not the way any self respecting pug would act.
Such cute pics!
Also, we gave you an award today on our bloggy :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
aww looks like fun. Your puppies are super cute.
So cute ... looks like lots of fun! Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty
Their cute- but you guys are the cutest!
Bostons are cute and all, but pugs rule.
Just saying.
The pink and white polka dotted collar is so cute! My human is getting all kinds of nasty ideas of getting a similar one for me. Can someone please explain to her that I am a MAN!
Awwwwwwwwww sooooooo cute! You all are so cute and huggable! I really like the photos of you all, its nice you all got to play together and get treats! It looks like you had so much fun! Love, Licks and Puggy hugs from your friend Frank xxxxxx
Well who wouldn't love your Pug Charm? I do. She wasn't as cute as you Gals tho. Glad you had fun.
Lots of licks,
Swisher .....and Oakley
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