Oh joy of joys..another holiday that we can dress up.

MOOOOOMMMM, this is ridiculous. Bunny Foo Foo my butt.

Maybe there will at LEAST be treats in here for this crappy photo shoot.

I might have just fluffed. 'Scuse me.

I blame Target and the dollar bin for this. Expect a poo in your parking lot.

Maybe if I act like I am burning hot this will end faster..Remember I have Glaucoma...Poooooor Kitty...

Do I looks like a real bunny?

How about now?

Big doggies sometimes think pugs are bunnies and try to eat us. I am watching you Mr. Pit Bully next door.
Happy Easter to all of our bloggy furiends! Thank you Slimmer Pugs for our card!
We got curly bullies out of the deal so I guess it all worked out.
momma is cracking up laughing for some reason.
Happee Easter
Benny & Lily
What a wonderful and funny and sweet post all rolled into one! We loved the "fluffing" comment and pic:)
Easter Blessings to all.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Happy Easter Chicas!!!
You look very Pawsome
Spongy & Licky
How adorable you two are.. all dressed up and fancy.
You look just like the Easter Bunny
Lincoln and I threw a rebellion over Easter ears. My momma is impressed that you all did so well :) Happy Easter. Watch out for the pit bull.
Minnie Moo
those are possibly some of the most hilarious dress-up pics ever. they have their 'I am suffering you must reward me' faces, down!
haha! Adorable! :)
Note from us: Mr. Pit Bully next door is a nice pup and hardly ever barks even when dad does yard work. We LOVE pitties. We did meet a big dog (not sure what kind, but he was long-haired, that kind of looked like he thought Coco was chicken on a stick. Needed to clarify for our Pittie furiends.
Coco insisted on sticking her chin up in the air the entire photo shoot just to spite mom. Haha.
They always have the funniest expressions. And matching that with funny outfits is the best!
You two are adorables and we loves yous little faces~
Looks like yous had a great Easters!!
IzZY, Josie, TriXie(howdy) and Anakin Man
Hi Kitty and Coco,
So nice to meet you! You guys had my mom in tears those pictures were so funny. They reminded her of the greeting card in Anakin Man's post today.
So cute! Happy Easter!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Yeesh! I dunno why humans think dressing us up like other animals is SOOOOO amusing. They have Most Strange ways of getting their jollys.
But, well, you all did look pretty cute. Just sayin'.
Wiggles & Wags,
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