Had a comment the other day by the Elgin gang asking to show our mom's paintings. Here you go! These are mainly paintings done over the Christmas holidays this year.
This is Lulu the French Mastiff. Her is snoozing. She claims she doesn't snore, but I beg to differ.

Sorry guys, we cannot get the picture to turn right. Anyway, this is Sidney the Weimaraner.

He is a happy customer and all around nice guy. He has beeyoootiful blue eyes.

Elby the pit bull/dalmation mix. He's an older fellow.

Buddy the lab.

Molly the...well...she is a very cute mix.

Her brother Sam..also a mix..

Mom did this especially for her mom (Nana to me). He is a Coon dog!

He is painted in black and white in case you are wondering.

Last but not least, ME!!!! Mom really captured my buggy eyes and turned back ears (aka antennae).

Ok, guess I had better show Coco's painting also. Cute little bugger.
Anyway, hope you have enjoyed the show. Visit her
Etsy page for more and to order one fur yourself. Score a mini 4x5" custom painting for $25 total with shipping. If you are not into Etsy, email kittypluscocoATgmailDOTcom. The Etsy page is about to get overhauled, so stay tuned for new stuff.
Thanks guys!
Pee.S - Should we do a side bar with our Etsy site up there?
Ohhh we love Lulu!!! We had a French Mastiff named Bruno many years ago!!! Miss him!!!
Love your paintings! Yes, linky to Esty shop!
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
YES!!! Yes, sweeties!! Tell yous Sweet and very talented momma to put up a side bar linky~
Wow! We's remember her commenting a while back saying she painted, butt wished she show some of her work!
We didn't know hers had Esty shop~
We's would love a painting of 'da four of us's soon!!
Thanks for showing us :)
Pugga Momma, IzZY (ummm... I'z request to be air blushed thinner), Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
Beautiful paintings! I have favorited your Etsy shop and when I need a Boston painted (Kelly's mom owns two) I will get one of yours! :)
(I also liked you on Facebook :) )
Oh goodnesses, I didn't knows her was an artist. Wow,your mom is very talented! Beautiful work!!!!!!!
Yea, hers most definately needs to put a linky up.
OH my gosh! Mama would so buy a painting of each of us!! Etsy Link NOW!!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Your mom is really talented! Those paintings are really cute!
Wow what a talented mom you have. It must be hard capturing the puppy faces. Lookin good!
Holy crap!! Awesome..we love it
Benny & Lily
Wow, you are really talented! Those are so cool. You definitely have to be showcasing more of your Etsy shop.
Daisy and I love your paintings!
We think you should put a side bar to your
Etsy page on the blog.
-Dana & Daisy
Ohmidogness! Your mom is SOOOOO super talented! My mom would luv to have paintings of all of us. Does she do kittehs, too?
Wiggles & WAgs,
Wowee! Thank you so much for all of the responses. Guess we will put up a side bar to Etsy! Yay for more kibble monies!!!!!!!
Mayzie - Mom definitely does kittehs. And any other pets. No discrimination here :)
Slimmers - Any time! I would love to capture your mugs.
Nicole - Thank you so much for your support on fb and Etsy. Bostons are mom's specialty.
Elgins- Mom might be tempted to paint in a chicken bone near Anakin, he he. Love you guys.
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