For all of you doubters out there, take a good look at the real tear in my eye! I can turn on the water works any time I want. The tears will actually fall and hit the floor if I try really hard.

Action shot..

YUMMY. Paleeeese let me have it!

As usual, I am perfectly still and minding my manners. Coco can't take it and goes in for the kill.

Hey there mom, we are going to need that cookie right now. Thanks.
Kitty (and Coco)
good job it obviously works. tears=cookies. Thanks for the idea
Benny & Lily
I'm surprised she actually lets the cookie touch her nose without eating it; I can pile the cookies on our pooches' hands, but never the nose...
Kitty, honey.....now THAT is impressive!
Wish I could cry on cue!!!
Coookkkiiieeee! Oh, and ginger snaps. Yummers! By the way, has anyone ever told your momma she's a tease?
Stella, Gunther and Betty
We's like 'dose cookie tips!!
Next times,
we be trying dem water works!!
Fabulous ideas ladies!! Love it!!
SunFlower Sista's
Josie and Izzy (we ain't sharing this secret with Anakin....hee hee)
What great technique you have! I will have to try that on my mom!
Oh Coco, you are kinda scaring us with that action shot! Looks like more than the cookie could get sucked into that vortex that is your mouth!
Multiple Snorts-
Brutus (& Carmen) the Frenchie(s)
Smush Face Gang, we tell mom all the time that she is a tease! She keeps saying that by golly, 8 weeks of PetSmart pup training WILL pay off. Apparently, I really caught on to the one where you can't have the treat until the momma says "OK", even if she drops it. Whew. Takes some concentration I tell ya.
Awwww you two are so cute with the cookies!
Hi Kitty and Coco!
That cookie looks delicious. It's no wonder
you had a tear in your eye for it.
Daisy and I hope you have a great weekend!
-Dana & Daisy
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